Dental Implant Gossip: 5 Rumors That Aren’t True

August 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — devonshiredental @ 11:11 pm
Senior woman drinking tea and smiling

It’s inevitable that people will gossip about things that are popular. Celebrities have tabloids, and apparently, dental restorations have myths. What you’ve heard or read through the internet grapevine might not be true. While you’ll have to turn to a different source to get the tea on your favorite stars, you can read more about five common dental implant rumors right here and now.

#1. Dental Implants Are for Cosmetic Appeal, Nothing More

Very few dental cosmetic treatments are purely cosmetic, let alone restorations! Dental implants happen to be the best replacement option for your oral health. Since they anchor directly to your jawbone, they’re able to prevent adjacent teeth from shifting, preserve your jawbone by stimulating your gums, and improve your diet by enabling you to eat more foods. Consider this myth super busted.

#2. They Don’t Even Look Good Next to Natural Teeth

On the opposite end of the rumor mill, it appears the misconception is that dental implants aren’t cosmetically appealing. Perhaps metal crowns and fillings have made a poor impression on some. Regardless, nowadays false teeth can be crafted from quality tooth-colored materials. Not only will your dental implants be the same color as any existing natural teeth, but they’ll be the same shape and size, too! All without sacrificing durability.

#3. Dental Implants Are Horribly Uncomfortable

Actually, many patients think that their implants are comfortable. It’s easy to see where this rumor might have come from, though. Anchoring a titanium post to your jawbone and capping it with a crown doesn’t sound cozy. However, you won’t be able to feel your implant in your jaw, and this design is what keeps it so firmly rooted in place. Less shifting and slippage means less irritation all-around.

#4. The Treatment Isn’t Worth the Risk

There’s very little risk involved in dental implant treatment. For one thing, dentists are vigilant about checking patients for oral complications (such as gum disease or a thin jawbone) that could interfere with the process. For another, dental implants have a 95% success rate. In some studies that statistic is even higher. Basically, you can be reasonably confident in dental implant treatments.

#5. Only Senior Citizens Can Receive Dental Implants

Don’t worry, dentists won’t gatekeep this fantastic restoration from the young! Dental implants can work just as well for whippersnappers and will offer the same oral health and function benefits. So don’t let age stop you from consulting with your dentist about a dental implant treatment.

Misinformation can be tricky to navigate in the dental world. Dental implants in particular are one of the more complicated restorations to understand. That’s why you should always check in with your dentist before committing to or writing off a specific treatment. You might just be surprised at how well it could suit your needs!

About the Practice

Our team at Devonshire Dental of Boston knows the importance of dental education. That’s why our dentists diligently pursue continuing education courses and ensure that our patients are well-informed about their oral care and treatment options. If you’d like to know more about dental implants and hear the details from the professionals, contact our office at 617-350-7474.

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